Luxury without a receipt

A naïve soul.
A virgin soul.

With no experience.
With no clay flowing in veins.

A shiny object in the hands of others.
Like a trophy of those on the highest ladders.

A mighty sailing ship on wheels.
Not only frost in the eyes of peers.

Mr. Patek on the left hand.
Peers lost; the beginning has no end.

Carbon cottage in wild mountains.
Peers, complaining about pigeons in fountains.

Historical smoke between lips.
Peers, practising Bulgarian dips.

Shaking hands with Lincoln’s brothers.
Peers, borrowing a spoon from brothers.

A sticky cat lying on a teak boat.
Peers, celebrating a discounted coat.

Silky spacesuits in an eight-star hotel.
Peers, eternal slaves controlled by rats in a motel.

Comfortable slippers, thank you monkey.
Peers, miserable being, nasty donkey.

An authentic script in front of fresh eyes.
That’s life, the world would be nice.

All of this before dark moments.
When the calculator calculated the growth of cents.

All of this before the heart tasted the silence of swamp.
When the only hope comes from a lamp.

Instead of gifting golden deers.
Transformed by bloody tears.

Maybe not a son of a visionary bitch.
Maybe not labelled by a tag – rich.

Maybe destined for rice with corn.
Maybe destined to be naked in a storm.

A small bowl, ready for punishment.
Fat clouds, ready to leave the concrete tent.

Freed from the desire to pile up dead hills.
Freed from the need to fill empty pills.

Because, recovered from society.
Because spending opens anxiety.

Fresh lemon juice, absorbed into the tongue.
Dancing fingers in symphony with a favourite song.

Spontaneous but rare kissing with a honey cake.
Secret feeding of mute fish in an honest lake.

Calmly observing square dost in a black universe.
Warm paws of a best friend on your chest, bringing love deeper than romance.

The noise of unlocking doors, day by day.
Waking up in the embrace of trees, far away from grey highway.

Being carried away by the current of a river, without the pressure
to check current numbers.
Accepting the wisdom of scholars, under the shadow of plumbers.

Eating bananas and blueberries.
Thinking of nothing but bananas and blueberries.

The true definition of luxury.
Naturally, inherited fruits of luxury.

Often untouchable.
Always unstoppable.

Possibility only for individuals, living by heart.
Thankful to be a witness, a craftsman putting reason into simple art.